A Teaspoon of Meditation Helps Make Your Day Brighter!

Meditation to make your day brighter - Pure Heart Wellness

I am constantly in awe at how much brighter my day is after a morning yoga and meditation practice.

The sky is bluer, the air clearer, I hear the birds singing over the hum of suburbia, and my whole body feels lighter.

The other sense I notice is that I see and appreciate more of the little things in life. You may say ‘’Oh this is just yogi woo-woo!!,” and I understand where you are coming from, until you experience it yourself…

We are constantly processing thoughts, which when you break them down, are often past and future concerns or actions. Our minds are incredibly busy, with no time to savour the present moment. So, the many little joys in life, are missed.

By quietening the mind with either your breath or a guided meditation, you begin to relax and can focus on the present. There is no right or wrong way, just relax and breathe, acknowledging your thoughts and then re-focus back on your breath.

Try this each morning, perhaps just starting with 5 minutes. You don’t even need to get out of bed to do this. It can be the very first ‘’teaspoon’’ of action in your life of living and loving being in the present moment.

If you would like to join a like-minded group of ladies and participate in a life-changing experience that will ignite your dreams and light up your life, come along on our “Escape the Everyday” French Wellness Retreat.

You’ll learn how to gently tread your own path – with intention and joy – while healing your body, mind, and soul during ten days of curated activities designed to start you on your journey towards a balanced, meaningful, and fun life.

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.

Tip toe if you must, but take the step.

Maria x


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